Severed/Flowers of Flesh and Blood
split with Stormcrow
Zeb lives in Montana and plays in a great new band called Demonsteed. They have an album out called Nitro Ground Shaker which I 'll post once I get a copy. They kind of remind me of Tony Iommi obsessively reading a Cormac McCarthy book??? Sounds about right!! Geoff Evans plays in Asunder and the rest of the guys, I have no idea where they are or what they are doing? I 'll let Skaven lie now with this alternate version of the song "The Swarm" .
Contact Zeb through the Demonsteed link about that discography CD.
........and with that tribute paid, it's now time for a fun little lesson in Existentialism.
Charles Manson's 1987 interview with the one and only Geraldo Rivera. I'll be damned if I just didn't make some sense out of this diatribe. I realize this was the guy's chance to paint himself in a certain life, but while he was digging himself a hole he would never be free of, I soaked up a bit of wisdom out of this when I first saw it as a teenager.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Charles Manson: LIE-Love and the Terror Cult
an interesting listen and I'll leave it at that.....Troy
split with Stormcrow

Contact Zeb through the Demonsteed link about that discography CD.
........and with that tribute paid, it's now time for a fun little lesson in Existentialism.
Charles Manson's 1987 interview with the one and only Geraldo Rivera. I'll be damned if I just didn't make some sense out of this diatribe. I realize this was the guy's chance to paint himself in a certain life, but while he was digging himself a hole he would never be free of, I soaked up a bit of wisdom out of this when I first saw it as a teenager.

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Charles Manson: LIE-Love and the Terror Cult
an interesting listen and I'll leave it at that.....Troy
I believe the bassist in the photo is Mike who went on to be in Medication Time and Nigel Pepper Cock. Sure looks like him.
Yeah, that is Mike. Good band lame dude.
You know...I did meet a guy from Medication Time a while back. he was playing with Cruevo when my old band played with them at my old house in long Beach. I don't remember his name but he played guitar in Cruevo...Any idea who he is???????
aaron......What is lame about Mike?
Thanks for this. I was in NorCal in the mid-nineties, and saw some great shows, but it was a troubled time. The first 'Crusties' I met kind of ruined it for me, and I missed out on a lot of shit because those assholes were always wrecking the shows and starting fights. They turned out to be bad seeds, and the exception, though. Got blazed with Dino from Dystopia, and through that met a bunch of real cool heads, who showed a much more productive side of the Crust world to me.
hey, just discovered your blog thru cosmic hearse, lots of cool shit ...so, yeah, i just watched that manson interview the other day and.. wow... i think the man is a genius. obviously completely insane but if you get past the delusions of grandeur (and racism), everything the dude says is pretty right on. and that record is amazing.
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